Tulane Teaching and Learning

The Cowen Institute is dedicated to equipping leaders and practitioners with the skills and resources to promote educational and postsecondary success among New Orleans students. As part of this mission, we teach Tulane undergraduate and graduate students about the local education system, public education, teaching practices, and educational leadership.

In collaboration with Tulane’s School of Professional Advancement’s Education programs, the Education Research Alliance/Reach, the Center for Public Service, and other Tulane departments, we deliver courses on New Orleans’ education system and facilitate service-learning opportunities in public schools across the city. Dr. Amanda Kruger Hill, Executive Director of the Cowen Institute, teaches education and leadership courses at Tulane. These education courses include a service-learning component through which Tulane students engage in over 1,000 hours of service within New Orleans schools each year.

Additionally, Dr. Hill coordinates the Educational Leadership specialization within the School of Professional Advancement’s Master’s in Education program, which aims to prepare graduates for success in educational leadership roles.

Our Policy Director and Executive Director provides multiple presentations each year on the state of public education in New Orleans, engaging Tulane students and the community in critical conversations. Annually, over 500 Tulane students engage with Cowen Institute publications as part of their coursework, deepening their understanding of educational issues and practices in the New Orleans area.

To request a presentation on our poll findings or New Orleans education system, please email vrossmei@tulane.edu.